Is it September already?!
Holy cow!!!
Did you know....
Is it bad that I'm already counting down?
Heck, even Thanksgiving will do at this point!
Anyway, I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for this month's currently!
Listening: The fiance and I are watching Breaking Bad.
He's trying really hard to get me hooked on it.
I'm enjoying it, but not enough to watch the entire series.
Loving: This lovely three day weekend!
We didn't have kids on Friday so it actually feels like a 4 day weekend.
And at least it's only a 4 day week of teaching!!
Thinking: I didn't bring home any work this weekend.
I'm in bit of a panic mode right now for what I'm doing this week.
Pretty sure I had everything planned before I left...
but this year, who knows?
Wanting: This is a tight month for me since I'm in between pay checks with different schools.
I am seriously wanting to go shopping.
There's so many cute things online and there's this pair of boots I want...
This are on my MUST HAVE list.
I cannot wait until Christmas to get these babies!
Needing: This is my second HORRIBLE migraine for this week.
I took some Naproxen and tried to sleep it off with no luck.
Hoping I can beat this thing before tomorrow because I won't survive the day with this pain.
3 Trips: Italy has always been my number one dream travel destination.
I would love to go to Vatican City as well.
And I want some serious Italian food :)
Greece is number two on my list... mainly for the beauty of the land.
Fiji would be the ultimate honeymoon destination... if it wasn't so darn expensive.
Have a fantastic week!
Hi Ashley! I get migraines too! I am on 3 different daily medications and 1 take as needed medicine to control it. I hardly get them being on all of the medicines...thank goodness!!! Before I would have an average of 15 a month! Hope your school year goes great!
Yuck to migraines! I haven't had any, but I can't imagine they would be fun. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Reading Toward the Stars
Italy tops my list, too! So sorry about the migraines. They are the WORST. Have a great year!!
My Carolina Classroom
Italy and Vatican City are amazing! I spend 3 days in Rome my senior year of college and it was fantastic. I desperately want to go back. Sorry about the migraines - I get them too :( Have a great week!
Lessons in the Sand
I also get migraines! They are the worst! I actually get botox for them (from a doctor) and they have been soo much better! plus I have no wrinkles on my forehead haha!
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